Monday, March 1, 2010

Etiquette Question

Your Etiquette Questions Answered:

Q: How do I list divorced parents names on my invitations?

A: If yours or your fiance's parents are divorced, here are some tips. First list the bride's parents names (divorced or not) and then the groom's parents names. If say, the bride's parents are divorced, list her father's name (and his spouse if applicable), then on the next line, list the bride's mothers name (and her spouse if applicable). And the same applies for the groom's parents. Never list divorced parents on the same line of the invitation. Also, if there are too many names to list, a classy way to encompass everyone is to say, "Together with our parents" or "Together with our families". This generalizes things, but includes everyone without having a ton of names listed.

Submit your etiquette question by emailing us at

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