Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gift Registry Faux Pas

Here is a question I suprisingly get asked a lot:

Can I Include my Gift Registry on my Invitation?"

The answer is "NO!" The mention of gifts should NEVER  be included anywhere on your wedding invitation. Registry information can be spread by word of mouth (guests usually ask the couple or their parents where the couple is registered at). It is considered rude to include this information on the invitation or on an insert card. Sometimes its gift enough just to have those guests spend your special day with you. The only place where it is not a faux pas to add registry information is on your bridal shower invitation. This is because the bridal shower's purpose is to "shower" the bride with gifts. But don't worry, guests always (ok, not ALWAYS) bring gifts to your wedding, they might even give money! It's actually a faux pas NOT to bring a gift to a wedding, unless that person paid for part of the wedding.
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